Saturday, July 16, 2011

False nails and lack of vitamin D. What is causing my onycholysis?

I have been wearing false nails for about 4 months and have recently been diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency. Now I have noticed that my left pinky fingernail is separating from the nail bed at the left side of my nail and the cuticle is receding! I am a hair stylist and my hands are in water a lot; I have read that this probably is not helping the matter. Furthermore, the past couple of times I have gotten my nails done I have noticed that the cuticles (all of them, not just the one) have itched rather severely for a couple of days after receiving the service. Needless to say the nails are coming off although much to my dismay. So I would like to know is it more likely that the false nails are the cause of the onycholysis or is the lack if vitamin D to blame here?

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